Debut-CD Aurel Dawidiuk

»An uncommonly fine poet with an enormous paw, not a pianist, not a harpsichordist or an organist, not a conductor or a composer, but somebody belonging to the category that we might term that of a universal musician through and through«

This is how Rasmus van Rijn most recently described Aurel Dawidiuk.

Etera Thesan introduces Aurel Dawidiuk with his Debut-CD including music by Franz Liszt and Johann Sebastian Bach. Available worldwide Fall 2022.


Gabriele Leporatti
Etera introduces Thesan

Etera Thesan is the new publishing label by Etera

Aiming to support  young artists - especially during the often challenging times right before/after graduation - Etera Thesan offers with flexibility and efficiency a real presence on the recording market, providing any young professional with an important asset to help develop their musical life.

Gabriele Leporatti